Last year one of Carter's teachers asked parents to describe their child in a million words or less. I really loved this project. I don't recall the teachers name but I was more than happy to oblige. Im leaving this here for him one day when he finds it. Love ya buddy!
My Son Carter Wilson 08/26/2019
I have only known my son Carter for just under 12 years so I
am still learning more about him everyday, but this is what I know
so far.
His heart is too big for this world. He’s the sweetest soul I
have ever crossed paths with in my lifetime. The fact I know him
on a first name basis is the reward of my lifetime. His intellect
comes in a close second to his heart. He loves to learn. Just like
every kid in America, he spends countless hours watching videos
on YouTube. However, where I feel he differs, is the content. He
watches “How-To’s,” history, science, and pretty much what ever
he is “in-to” at the moment. Like I said, he loves to learn. It truly
blows my mind. He also loves to teach what he’s learned.
Sometimes, that can pretty overwhelming. Also, his attention to
detail is quite remarkable. “He’ll wear you out.” I love it though.
Do I get impatient? Yes, however, I would miss it dearly if he went
a day without telling me about a roller coaster he’s designing or
the details about his vending machine for homeless people he’s
working on. He’s a dreamer. Most importantly, he’s a seeker. I
meet people from all over the world and right here in my own
house, everyday, my son is the most interesting of them all.
He loves to prank us. He has the best sense of humor. He
doesn’t always get our jokes right away because he has a little
trouble picking up the sarcasm. Mainly because he’s so trusting.
It goes back to that “big ol’ heart” thing. All that being said, he’s
not easy to fool. He will “think a circle” around you as you’re
trying to “get one over on him.” He sees right though your BS
most of the time. He loves to pull a “got ya!” He will also go along
with your joke without having to coach him along. That makes
him the best “wingman.” He’s my #1 wingman.
He is going to ask you tons of questions that he probably
already knows the answer to. He is also going to talk over you
sometimes. Call him out for it. I do. I want him to know the “real
world” and how unforgiving it can be. I want him to know how to
be a captain as well as a good passenger. Like I said before,
please challenge him. He deserves it.
I get nervous for him when I think of teachers and fellow
students molding his young mind and shaping his sweet
personality. I mean, how can they? He already knows everything!
HA! Seriously though, I do get nervous for him. I hope and pray
that his teachers have the patience to help him reach his full
potential. I hope and pray they push, engage, and challenge him
to think bigger than school lessons and pep-rallies, at the same
time, creating an environment that leaves such an impact that he
never forgets them. In conclusion, my son (Carter Wilson) is my
purpose in life. It’s as simple as that. Nothing more and nothing
less. It is my purpose to help him find his purpose so that he
never wonders astray. This year, you are a big part of this journey
we’re on. So, no pressure.
- Carter’s Dad